Written by Tara Tickel and Sunni Florence
Supplies: (with links to purchase)
Green Tattoo Paste: (NOT INK, paste) https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=E2C0E309-E28D-4A76-A914-3E01B080882B Tattoo Pliers: I recommend purchasing 2, it makes the tattoo process go by much more quickly and makes for less risk of putting the sequence in incorrectly. I prefer the Stone Manufacturing pliers as they are the smallest and can fit into even very small week-old Nigerian Dwarf ears. DO NOT use the black ink that comes with the pliers, it’s worthless. https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=2E87C4D7-7B6A-11D5-A192-00B0D0204AE5 Tattoo Alphabet and Number set: I recommend purchasing the complete set of both letters and numbers – consider purchasing 2 sets of numbers if you have more than 20 or so kids a year. Numbers: https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=30E074C7-7B6A-11D5-A192-00B0D0204AE5 Letters: https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=30E0706A-7B6A-11D5-A192-00B0D0204AE5 Individual letters/numbers (in case you have 2 or more of a letter in your herd sequence): https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=30E0706A-7B6A-11D5-A192-00B0D0204AE5 Rubbing Alcohol, Cotton Balls, A small toothbrush, and Vaseline instructions:First, Remember that the herd sequence is tattooed into the goat’s right ear - that would be the left ear if you are looking straight in to the goat’s face - as you will be when you are tattooing. The unique goat sequence is tattooed into the goat's left ear - your right as you are looking into the goat's face.
Preparation and Tattooing your goat: